dental hygiene, oral hygiene, teeth cleaning

Maintaining Oral Hygiene

Professional dental hygiene for good oral health

beautiful smile, white teeth, clean teeth

Professional dental hygiene

Improve your appearance and boost your confidence with a clean and healthy smile

Our hygienist provides professional teeth cleaning services using air polishing. This technique uses a targeted jet of compressed air mixed with water and fine powders to gently and minimally invasively clean your teeth.

Air polishing is a pain-free and straightforward technique that has been proven to be more effective than traditional scalers. However, it may not be suitable for some patients, including those with asthma or other breathing difficulties.

Cancellations with less than 48 hours' notice or no-shows will be charged in full.

dental hygiene, hygienist, clean teeth

Revolutionising Dental Cleaning with The Power of Air Polish

Air polish utilises a blend of water, compressed air, and fine powder to lift the majority of stains, reaching into those tricky areas of the teeth that are often hard to access.

This method stands out as a markedly more effective solution for eliminating biofilm and stains compared to other products on the market.

However, it's important to note that individuals with asthma, COPD, or any respiratory conditions, as well as those who rely on an asthma inhaler, should avoid its use due to contraindications.

Dental Hygiene Frequently Asked Questions

  • Orthodontic patients typically need to pay extra attention to their oral hygiene habits because braces can cause food to become trapped in hard-to-reach areas.

    To ensure successful treatment, it's important to brush and floss at least twice a day using an interdental brush, a proxabrush, and a water irrigator.

    Additionally, consider adding mouthwash into your daily routine. Regular visits with your hygienist are also crucial for detecting any potential issues that may have been missed during brushing and flossing.

  • Regular dental hygiene appointments are important for maintaining healthy teeth and gums.

    Your hygienist will advise you on the ideal frequency for a professional cleaning which could range from every three months to once a year depending on the condition of your teeth and gums.

    In between professional dental cleanings, it's best to brush and floss twice daily.

  • The cost of a dental hygiene treatment mainly depends on your particular case and the type of service you need. It also depends on which dental clinic you go to, as prices may vary. We recommend consulting with your hygienist to find out the cost of your treatment.

  • During orthodontic treatment it is important to practise good oral hygiene. Make sure to brush twice a day and floss after each meal, as this helps keep your teeth and gums healthy.

    Additionally, you should consider using a fluoride mouthwash which can help reduce the risk of decay. It is also important to schedule regular check-ups with your hygienist to ensure your braces are functioning correctly.

  • Poor oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment is usually caused by a lack of proper education on dental hygiene, brushing too hard with braces, or simply not brushing enough.

    Your hygienist can help you understand the basics of good oral hygiene and how to incorporate it into your daily routine with braces.

    They will also teach you how to use special tools, like interdental brushes or floss threaders, that will give you better access to the harder-to-reach areas.

    Finally, your hygienist can provide preventive measures such as fluoride treatments or sealants if needed.

  • During your treatment, the hygienist will use tools specially designed to clean around brackets and wires.

    They will also use high-powered electric scalers which allow them to gently remove plaque and tartar without harming delicate gums, and then polish away surface stain on all visible surfaces of your teeth.

  • We recommend that you visit your hygienist every 6 months while wearing braces. Orthodontic patients tend to collect more plaque in those hard to reach areas and regular visits with your hygienist will help ensure a healthy mouth and teeth, minimising your risk for cavities or other dental issues.

  • The amount of times you need to visit the dentist for a dental cleaning when wearing braces is often determined by your orthodontist.

    Generally, they will recommend that you get your teeth cleaned every six months. This ensures that any plaque or tartar build-up is removed and keeps your teeth in the best possible condition while wearing braces.

  • Absolutely. Your hygienist will adjust their techniques to make sure all areas are being taken care of, including those with braces.

    Regular scaling and polishing while wearing braces helps keep your teeth healthy, while preventing any gum disease or tooth decay. So don’t worry, your hygienist has you covered.

  • The most important rule for oral hygiene is to brush your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste.

    It is also important to floss daily, as well as visiting your hygienist at least once a year for a professional teeth cleaning.

    Proper oral hygiene practices can help prevent cavities, gum disease and other dental problems.

  • The 8 risk factors for poor oral hygiene are:

    1) Not brushing or flossing your teeth correctly.

    2) Not visiting the dentist regularly.

    3) Eating too much sugar.

    4) Tobacco and alcohol use.

    5) Specific medications.

    6) Poorly designed fillings or crowns.

    7) Stress and anxiety.

    8) Poor overall health.

    By addressing these risk factors and following a regular dental hygiene routine you can guarantee healthy teeth and gums.

  • Good oral health is essential for anyone who wears braces as improper brushing can lead to an increase in plaque and tartar.

    Having a professional teeth cleaning with a hygienist ensures that all the hard-to-reach parts of the teeth are cleaned and all plaque and tartar are removed.

    This helps reduce the risk of gum disease, cavities and other dental problems when wearing braces.

  • Oral hygiene is especially important for orthodontic patients, as it prevents enamel demineralization and cavities. The braces and wires can trap plaque and food particles more easily, resulting in tooth decay if not cleaned thoroughly.

    Regular cleaning with a professional hygienist will ensure that any built-up materials are removed and your smile stays healthy while undergoing orthodontic treatment.

  • Orthodontic patients require a very specific brushing technique due to the brackets and wires that are used.

    Your hygienist can help you learn a special technique for orthodontic patients which includes the use of small angled brushes and interdental cleaners to help clean around your braces.

    This type of brushing will help reduce plaque buildup, preventing cavities and gum diseases.

  • Regular oral hygiene is necessary to prevent many dental health problems, such as gingivitis, periodontal disease, tooth decay, and bad breath.

    Not brushing and flossing regularly can lead to the buildup of bacteria in your mouth which can cause cavities and infection.

    It is important to keep on top of your dental hygiene needs so you can have a healthy mouth and avoid any potential issues down the line.

  • Absolutely. After your hygienist has finished the scaling and polishing process, you can resume regular eating and drinking habits.

    Some minor discomfort may be experienced for up to 24 hours after treatment, but this is completely normal.

    Make sure you maintain good oral hygiene by brushing twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste.

  • Keeping up with regular hygiene cleaning is essential for maintaining good oral health. Professional hygiene cleaning helps to remove plaque and tartar build-up that brushing cannot reach, which can provide a more thorough clean than brushing alone.

    The process also helps to reduce the risk of damage such as gum disease, cavities and bad breath. Ultimately, investing in teeth cleaning sessions can help you keep your teeth healthy long-term.

  • Yes. You don't need to be registered with us in order to make an appointment with one of our hygienists. We welcome all patients who would like to experience our professional, comprehensive teeth-cleaning service.

    Our hygienists are trained to provide expert advice and treatment to help you maintain the health of your teeth and gums.